Medical Insurance: Four Misconceptions You Should Know

Health should be our priority and we should not limit investments we make for it. Today, we can all be exposed to serious diseases, regardless of our economic status; therefore, it is advisable to have a major medical insurance, which works as a preventive financial tool, allowing us to save a lot of money on hospitals, doctors, treatments and medications, to an accident or illness.
Figures from the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS) in Mexico indicate that only 7% of the population has health insurance, ie 8.5 million Mexicans; which is a low penetration when compared with the growth of population diseases.
This low rate of insurance in the health sector is mainly due to the lack of a culture of prevention; Likewise, people do not know the great benefits that offer such policies.

Therefore, on this occasion, I would like to clarify some erroneous thoughts that exist on the major medical insurance:

1. I will never use
In Mexico we are more corrective than preventive, but we must not forget that accidents and diseases make no distinction of age, gender or socioeconomic status; It is much better to be insured and not use it, not have it when it comes to need.

2. It is an extra expense that cannot pay
The major medical insurance covers the fee generated by any illness and / or accident, hospitalization, medications, treatments, studies, consultations, ambulances, etc. If we compare these costs with the cost of such insurance, it is much more convenient to be assured that not be.

3. Until I got sick the contract
Insurance major medical expenses not covered by preexisting, ie if after a diagnosis of a serious illness, it was decided this insurance, the insurance will cover any other disease, except that which was diagnosed in a pre-hire; Additionally, insurers seeking a waiting period for coverage valid in the case of some diseases.

4. I have no money to pay and wait for reimbursement
There is a perception that the insured must pay the amount you have generated illness or accident and then seek reimbursement from the insurance; however, the reality is that insurance companies made payments directly and the insured must pay only the deductible and coinsurance, if these concepts are set out in the policy.

According to expert estimates, in Mexico of 10,000 policyholders, 11 people a year come to suffer an accident involving expenditures of more than a million pesos, while 1 in 10 suffers an accident or illness with an average spending 50,000 pesos.

Reflecting on this we must ask ourselves how much we value our health?

Without health, we have practically nothing; so do not hesitate to investigate and contribute with different insurers such insurance, so you can choose the policy that best suits your needs.